Focusing on problems pertaining to the social, economic, political, environmental and international issues
Activity Focus
The primary objective of CARDC is to undertake interdisciplinary research focusing on theoretical cum empirical aspects of Indian democracy as well as various spheres of Indian society.

To begin with, CARDC shall concentrate on various aspects of the economy, society, polity, religion, history and other aspects in an interface with the caste system, and other forms of social stratification in India. The research will have a bearing on philosophical paradigm and historical analysis focusing on economic, social, cultural and political process based on empirical evidence. Building up association with institutions engaged in similar pursuit in India and outside will also form the main activity of the Centre.

The idea is to provide feedback to policy makers to think up suitable policies so as to build just and humane society. For this purpose the findings of the studies will be disseminated through dialogue, seminars, publication, public campaign etc. The Centre will also undertake training, and orientation programme for social activities, policy makers and students.

Thus the programmes and activities of the CARDC would include independent research and publication, building documentation, sharing of research through Seminars, Conferences, orientation, training workshops, and academic affiliations particularly with organizations engaged in action, building linkages with institutions and researchers with similar pursuits in India and outside for evolving theoretical perspectives, policies and civic society activism on various issues.
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